The triumph of time

The triumph of time


The poem “From the Triumph of Time”  is all about the poet’s failure in his love. The Poem starts with the line

“time is with us and hands are free”

Where this means that the hands are tied, and he is not able to do anything to reach and join his soul mate.

He laments his lost love and wishes to continue his life without being in love again and was says that he would never love again as in that poem, he is claiming that

“it will grow not again,  This fruit of my heart”

This fruit here the poet is referring to the feelings of love will not grow in my heart again. He is saying that if they had loved each other, nothing could have stopped their love.

The main theme of the poem is time. More precisely, we can say that the cruelty of time, love (eternal), and death as sweet dreams.

The theme of that poem is the time or cruelty of time on him. He is saying that time is being very cruel to me because, at first, it has taken away my soul mate from me very far away. But now, time is with me because I have all the memories of my soul mate, the precious moments I have in my memory. But as time passes and time continues its cruelty, all these pleasant memories will be taken away. He has realized that time has triumphed or that time has succeeded in dividing them. And has taken his soul mate.

Love is the other major theme here because the poet has loved his beloved very much, and now, in his poem, he is dreaming of that life with his beloved: what if my love had loved me back? But soon, he realizes how time has eventually triumphed them apart. He was very sad to realize that. Even though with most sadness, he says that he will continue his life even though he may never fall again in love.

Another theme from the poem is that death is like a sweet dream. One can say how.

Although each one of us knows that death is very harsh and is mournful and can cause pain and disturbance in one’s life, according to the the poet, death is compared with sleep, a peaceful sleep. The poet is saying that life would be wonderful if the feelings I had for my beloved had been returned by her as well. Further in his poem, he is saying that even if death comes to both of us, we would be happy. He is saying that

 “I wish we were dead together to-day, / Lost sight of, hidden away out of sight … / How we should slumber, how we should sleep, / Far in the dark with the dreams and the dews!” 

The poet is saying that even a death comes to us, it would be like a sweet dream for us.

The poet in the poem “from the Triumph of Time “ is talking imaginatively thoroughly in his poem. Firstly, he is saying that time is with us now, but soon it will be turned to cruelty because all the memories I had of my beloved will be taken away as time passes. He is imagining his life with his beloved, and what if the feelings I have are returned to me by my beloved? Life would be grateful.

Even if death comes to us and we die together, it will be a kind of sweet dream for us. Because things done together are better than doing them alone, even after death, because the poet has only one goal,, which is to achieve her.

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