3 reasons to study Bs English Literature

BS English


Today we will discuss why should I choose BS English in Literature and linguistics, especially in Pakistan.

      Most people are worried about what are the benefits of BS English or Why should I come to this side. Do we have no opportunities for jobs in English? We will be trying to answer these questions.

    English first of all is the dominant language all over the world. Even though the population of China is very much and Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Still, we came to know that English is dominant. When you speak Chinese even among uneducated people, he or she will not understand it but when try to tell them something in English, they can get a certain idea of what am i trying to say.

English people have worked hard in their times, they have been dominant in the world, they have tried to make their Language universal and they have succeeded. Even in some of the countries, their national language will be different but their official language will be English.

Now the question is why BS English in Pakistan? Why is there no Jobs in this subject? The answer to the question is quite simple. While doing BS English, you can get to know about the history of the great people of their time, and you came to know their work. For example, William Wordsworth, the great masterpiece writer of his time, has given the relationship of us with Nature, and he has given a minute detail of it.

We came to know about their efforts, the description of society, different ages their hardships, and many more. Now when someone is done with his degree, most of them get disappointed in themselves that they don’t have a job. Job is not a piece of cake which will come to your pocket. It needs effort, hardships, and time.

Now some of the finest jobs one can get from BS English are as follows:

CSS and PMS: 

CSS and PMS are one of the finest institutions and one of the best job opportunities for everyone. It is open to everyone and has no restrictions on where you belong, your cast, religion. It is based on your talent, your hard work, your efforts, what you know about society, what you know actually, what have you studied in the past years, what are your struggles, and many more. It comes once a year and is open to everyone and the most talented ones qualify for it.

Professor Job or Lecturership:

Recently 1700 jobs were offered by the Government for that jobs. You can apply for that. It is also open to everyone from anywhere. You can get a government job. As the Government gives us opportunity every year or every 6 months.

Similarly, if you have the guts you are talented enough, and the degree you have done in English, you can be a writer. Writing is a professional job. A writer never dies. He is mortal because of his writings. He can never be forgotten.

For example, Shakespeare, though He died a long time ago, still we study his work and remember him just because of his Writings and many more writers are there. You can even write an article for the newspaper, for the very finest newspapers like Dawn and many more. It just depends on how talented and how much knowledge you have.

In BS English, you are trained and you are taught to have a good communication skill. They motivate you to speak in English with one another in the class and through presentations as well. Even if you are not doing well in communication, you can take short courses for it which are easily available and can be done in a short period.

For example, IELTS courses mainly focus on your communication skills. Not only does it help you in communication, but after qualifying for the test, you will have to go through the interview which needs proper communication. And not even it makes you prepare for the interview, but for the teaching as well.

If in the future you become a teacher, how will you deliver a lecture if you don’t have communication skills? BS English makes you able to do that. Similarly, if you are a good English speaker, you can be a motivational speaker as well. You can see many of the motivational speakers around motivating people through their communication.

After that many opportunities are available here in Pakistan, still if you haven’t got the opportunity, you can go and apply for the foreign as well. They provide also a good opportunity for the students.


There are a lot of opportunities for BS English. Why you didn’t get the job is because everyone prefers the best. If one person is more talented and is more successful than you, then the problem is within you. If you are not able to qualify for any of the entrance tests, why will someone offer you a job as they have a more talented person than you?

Getting a job is not easy for everyone. One and the best way of getting a job is to watch your competition and do better than them. Don’t blame the government and other institutions for that. You have your opportunity. Just you need is to make good use of it.

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